Dress Code
Please be reminded that the Board of Governors requires all members and their guests to adhere to the Club’s Dress Code.
-Business Professional or Smart Casual Attire
-Jackets required for men in the Peachtree Dining Room during the evening (with the exception of Memorial Day through Labor Day)
-Professional denim is permitted. No ripped or torn denim is allowed.
-Shorts, men’s hats, tank tops, flip-flops, exercise tights, and other athletic wear are not permitted in the Club.
Cell Phone Policy
While we are pleased to have our Members conduct business at their Club, kindly be reminded of the following:
-Cell phones should be on vibrate at all times.
-Please refrain from using speakerphone.
-Please be respectful of fellow members in your vicinity when conducting phone conversations.
-Cell phone conversations are not permitted in the Peachtree Dining Room at any time.