Junior Golf Academy At Walnut Creek Country Club

Our Junior Player Development program is designed to incorporate fun first, while involving multiple activities and sports & recreation to assist junior learning, sports development and passion for golf.

CUBS (Level 1) 

• Ages 4 – 6
• Our Cubs program is designed for a junior’s first experience and introduction to golf. 
• Junior’s begin learning the FUNdamentals of golf in a group setting.

TIGERS (Level 2)

• Ages 7 – 12
• Continue FUNdamentals focus while building strong pre-swing and in-swing skills.
• In addition, etiquette and Rules of Golf are introduced, as well as fitness and nutrition

ACES (Level 3) 

• Ages 12 – 15
• Continue building strong pre-swing and in swing skills as well as a continued education on Fitness, Nutrition and Rules of Golf. 
• Additionally, we begin developing a winning edge for competition golf and Mental Focus in preparation for High School Golf Teams.

Tanner Tongate, PGA | Player Development Specialist
Availability:  Tuesday – Sunday | Email: Tanner.Tongate@clubcorp.com
GOLF SHOP NUMBER: 817.473.5840

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