House Rules

In setting these rules for use of the golf course, the Club management is in no way attempting to restrict the enjoyment obtained from playing the course. It is, in fact, necessary to follow certain procedures to ensure maximum enjoyment of the golf course and grounds. Pride in the Club, together with the thoughtfulness and consideration we afford our fellow golfers, makes the enforcement of any rules necessary.

Non-metal spikes only are allowed on all practice facilities and the golf course.

All play must start on No. 1 tee, unless permission is obtained from the golf shop to start from No. 10 tee, or unless other starting methods are in effect to accommodate the most Members.

Number Of Players
No more than five players per group are permitted on the weekends and holidays, except where special permission has been obtained from the golf shop. Six players per group are permitted on the weekdays (Tuesday – Thursday) only. All players in groups of five or six must ride in golf cars. They must also keep up with the pace of play.

Golf Practice
When practicing, Members are to use the driving range and practice greens in accordance with posted signs. Under no circumstance is the golf course to be used for practice.

Tee Time/Playing Time
A round of golf at Walnut Creek should take no longer than four hours. If a group falls behind, they will be asked to close the gap over the next two holes. If they are unable to catch up to the group ahead or the place they should be on the course, they will need to step aside and let faster groups through or be asked to pick up their balls and move up to the next tee. Our last resort is to let groups through because it slows play down, especially on a full golf course. The best practice is to stay up with the group ahead.

Personal Belongings
Members and guests are reminded to be prudent with their personal items and not to leave them unattended on Club property. The club is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen property.

Each Member must have his or her own set of golf clubs and must wear golf shoes when on the course. Tennis shoes are approved for golf course and practice facilities. Ripple soles, baseball, soccer and other similar footwear are prohibited.

Guests are limited to six visits per year for golf play with a maximum of one visit every two months. Participation in member/guest tournaments and inter-club competition will not apply toward the every two month limitation. Guest fees will apply and will be charged by the pro shop prior to play. Failure to register or pay guest fees may result in a violation or loss of golf privileges. 

Dress Code
Men's shirts must have collars. Women's and Men's shorts must be of Bermuda length or a style specifically designed for golf (no shorter than mid-thigh length).

All the following types of clothing are prohibited on the golf course and practice facilities: Swimsuits, t-shirts, denim pants and shorts/jeans of all types and designs, gym wear (sweat pants, athletic type warm-ups, etc.), short shorts, coach's shorts, cut-offs, running shorts, tennis-length skirts, tank tops, and halter tops.

Management reserves the right to regulate footwear worn on the golf course.

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