Whatever your health and fitness goals are, Las Colinas Country Club’s training staff can guide you on your journey. We are confident you can greatly benefit by working with one of the talented personal training professionals here on the  Las Colinas staff.

Our Personal Trainers are here to guide you in all your health endeavors.  The benefits of working with our highly-qualified trainers will keep you on your journey to healthy success. 

As you begin with your personal trainers, we will present you with an initial health assessment, a workout plan and goals customized to you specifically, constant monitoring and motivation to ensure your progress, and goal assessments on your performance and progress.

We are here to make sure you reach your health and fitness goals at Las Colinas Country Club. 

Personal Trainers
 – Half-hour | $50 - $60 (1 - 2 people)
 – Hour | $85 – $100 (1 – 2 people)

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Fitness House Rules

  • Members must accompany and register their Guests, unless prior arrangement have been made with the Fitness Center.
  • Guest Fees are $20.
  • Guest may not workout at the Club more than two times in any given month and a maximum of six times per year.
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