Dress Code

All Facilities
  • Men’s golf shirts must be tucked in.
  • Appropriate casual shirts may be untucked.
  • Cargo shorts/pants are not permitted.
  • Baseball/golf-style hats may not be worn backwards.
  • Hats are not permitted at dinner in the Grille.
Golf Courses and Practice Areas
  • All shirts must be tucked in.
  • Golf-appropriate shorts are permitted.
  • Cargo shorts/pants are not permitted. Anyone wearing cargo shorts will be asked to change.
  • Mock tees that are golf appropriate will be permitted, please no t-shirts.
  • Jeans are not permitted.
  • Athletic attire, that is not golf appropriate, is not permitted (i.e. sweatpants).
  • Baseball/golf-style hats may not be worn backwards.
  • In the Grille Room, cell phones are permitted for texting only. Please silence all portable devices while in the clubhouse.
  • Smoking is not permitted inside the clubhouse or villas.
  • Please maintain respectful noise levels in all areas of the facility, including the Grille Room, 55th hole balcony and near our overnight accommodations.